What I am against in the online business
November 20, 2023Multi-passionate female entrepreneurs
February 24, 2024Being vs Doing for the Female Entrepreneur
Being versus doing is one of the most important concepts to be aware of to be able to prepare your mindset for having a great business year in 2024 and stepping into being fully you in your business.
You cannot choose who you are or what you are, but you can choose what you do. Your emotions refer to what you are, you are afraid, you are confused, you are happy. This is not something you choose, and feelings cannot be unchosen.
So, the point I want to make is about distinguishing between your being and your actions, your doing.
Your being is who you are - the essence of you. You are invaluable as a person and therefore nothing will affect your value as a human.
Your actions are what you do. They can be right or wrong, and they don’t compromise who you are.
Confusing this distinction can be quite devastating, and lead to you believing that you are a failure or wrong as a person when you fail with your actions.
You are fallible but not a failure. Your actions on the other hand are your responsibility and choice.
If you make a mistake, you can correct it and take responsibility or lie about it and hide it.
The point is - that you can choose to act and take responsibility. And your value as a human remains unchanged.
When being and doing are confused you may conclude that failure in business means that you are a failure as a person.
Or that if you fail with your business, it will affect your value as a person. But you are invaluable as a person. You are a human being, and your value is a constant.
“My business has failed ergo; I am a failure”.
“I am not having success in my business ergo; I am less of a person and have less value.”
Or “I act in this or that way, that is just who I am …”
No. These statements are not true. You are not responsible for your value or your being or how you are feeling.
You are, however, responsible for your actions. What ever you do is your choice, and that choice can be changed.
So, if you have been caught up in confusion, doubt about yourself, procrastination or whatever; those are your feelings, but once you have felt them, you can choose what to do with them; will you take the route into depression?
Or will you deal with whatever caused those emotions to be there and make a choice to do something different that will give you a different result?
It is not always easy to make that change on your own, and that is why I help you change your mindset.
I am a business coach with professional training as a therapist and 30 years of experience with communications, so I give you advice on your business and help you with your mindset.
Do you want to keep holding yourself back, or do you want to unleash your energy and use it in a way that benefits you and your business?
Book a call with me and let’s have a talk about it. Book here.