Multi-passionate female entrepreneurs
February 24, 2024Compare or dare in business
How often do you compare yourself to others and somehow find yourself bound to lose out?
Comparison to others could be about looks, intelligence, success in life or business, what you offer or how that person makes more money than you – I am sure you have a long list ….
So do I!
I have a long list of themes where I compare myself with others and somehow manage to lose out every time.
And whenever I find myself doing that, I need to remind myself that each woman has her own path and that there are no two women that are the same or will benefit from doing the exact same or offer the same or take the same path.
What is right for you is not necessarily right for me.
When I remind myself of that, I get back on track and go about my business the way I should - my way.
That is how I feel comfortable, stand strong and offer the best service.
And then I dare a little more.
I do not rely on magic, manifestations or someone else’s blueprint. I rely on my ability to be present in the moment, my experience and my skills (as a communicator, therapist and business coach), and grounding, my sense of self and being there for you in a way that Is relevant, adequate and that helps you dive for that pearl, the place inside where you feel, know and love how great you are and what great things you have to offer.
And also dare to stand out and be your own woman.
There is no better place to be for a businesswoman.
Like Gyde says:
Trine offered a fresh perspective and competently helped me take the lead and define my path forward — by and for myself. She guided me with patience and respected my opinions and ideas.She tried to understand and adapt instead of asking me to fit in. It was a big relief for me that we didn't just scratch the surface but dug deeper than I expected and that there were no hidden layers of spirituality and manifestation in her approach.The sole purpose was to find a realistic way forward for my business and me, to do more of what is fun, what makes me happy, what I am good at, and not waste time on things that do not add value to the business.I highly recommend this coaching series to anyone who would like to have a realistic work-life and needs a general and realistic strategic discussion about their business or career approach. Thank you so much for this highly rewarding experience, Trine - you are a wonderful sparring partner!
I helped Gyde nail her offer in 2 weeks.
Once you are in sync with yourself – comparison to others seems less attractive.
You may even forget about your competition and just focus on potential clients that need a solution to their problem.
I help you align your business to you, so you stand strong on your own feet and do what feels good to you.
Just now I have an exclusive offer to work with me 1:1 for 2 weeks (four sessions) to nail your offer (and your ideal client, and your passion and your positioning) – send an e-mail to me with the word “nail” to learn more.