About me - and How I Found my Yes

Hello, my name is Trine Daimi. I am 57 years old and of half Finnish, half Danish origin. I live in Copenhagen, close to the sea on the same Island as Copenhagen Airport. You probably don’t know what I do in my business, so I would like to share with you the story of how I found my YES! And created a business that I love.

It was a cold windy winter morning in February. Leaves were carried by the wind, and I had to wave them off as I was crossing the big, open city hall square in Copenhagen. I looked up at the massive stone building with the high tower and the name of the Newspaper written in big capital letters. I was a student at university and on my way to my first day as an intern in the marketing department of a national Danish newspaper. I was so scared that my knees were shaking as I walked up the stone stairs.

I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to live up to their expectations and just tried to keep under the radar as I sat myself in the corner (like a little gray mouse) and took on a very simple task of calculating lix in various newspapers. They didn’t know how much I doubted my own skills, and they also didn’t find out because whenever they would give me a new task I would do it and do it well. Before I knew it, I was the subeditor of all the special editions that came out of the marketing department. And my colleagues said I was the best intern they had ever had.

But all the success bounced off me. I was not able to change my self-perception and it did nothing for my sense of self-worth. And yet, I more than met their expectations – and mine. And at the end of my internship there was an exam, and I got the highest grade possible. I was talking about groundbreaking research which we had done at the newspaper with Eye tracking equipment. I did feel engaged and inspired, because I was talking about the research that I had become quite involved in. Later, the research also became the subject of my final thesis which also got the highest grade. But despite my good results and praise at work I still didn’t feel I was a great student or particularly skilled. You might say I experienced a severe case of imposter syndrome – when are they going to find out? And I doubted my abilities. I had so many limiting beliefs.

And this continued. As a public relations manager I worked with international brands, creating best results in our agency and still I felt it was nothing. And so on and so forth. I have been employed by top companies and organizations, still, every job I did, I felt inadequate. About 15 years ago I became self-employed and have had many ups and downs. Great success at times and no success at other times. Lovely clients and lots of great cases to emerge myself in. It was not until I got help to work on my limiting beliefs that I realized what I needed to change. And that is how I came to find the method I am teaching today.

It took some trial and error. I have training as a therapist besides my experience as a copy writer, journalist and public relations manager and I wanted to integrate that in my business – but how? The first thing I tried was teaching Writing Courses. How to create a great foundation for your writing to find inspiration and confidence, which to me are the pillars of good writing. I enjoyed working with my clients, but I was still not in my sweet spot.

Then I moved on to offer help with tagline, messaging, and web copy, but still it was not quite right. Because there was a missing link. The foundation of my business was not in place. I was not thriving. I was not aligned with my purpose and values.

My purpose is to help you see how brilliant and unique you are with great potential and to help you create a Business Like You. My values are a strong commitment to help you take responsibility, stop playing it small and step into your Zone of Genius where you shine the brightest. I call it pearl diving. Combining the two is my sweet spot, my pearl, and now my business is aligned with me. There is more to it, but I save that for another post.

That is why I call my business concept Business Like You. I believe that burn out, stress and missing results in your business are the results of doing business in a way that is not aligned with you and your purpose and values. You may be in the right niche and doing what you love, but if your business is not aligned with you values and your purpose then it will not feel right. You will not attract the people that you really would love to work with.

As I said, I believe that you already have all that you need inside. I will help you discover what it is, dive for the pearl and open that oyster so both you and everybody else may see how brilliant you are. You may also be a person that has many passions and finds it hard to choose and niche down. The thing is: You need not choose.

What you need to do is to find the right way to combine the things that you are passionate about so that you create something that is special to you and cannot be copied. It is my specialty to see this in you and help you realize it in a way that will give you the results you dream of. Aligning your business with you will help you find inspiration in abundance, and it will make that imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs shrink and lose their power – that is what it did for me, and I can’t wait to see it happen to you.

Would you like to work on your alignment with me? Book a free strategy call and lets chat.  Book a free call here.